Establish a Writing Routine

72:365 - And Your Point Is?I can’t emphasize enough just how important it is to establish a writing routine, if you haven’t already!

Years ago, while I was still a student attending writing workshops, I wrote whenever the “inspiration” struck. I’d sit at my computer and churn out sentence after sentence whenever I felt like it. And since I was still a student–and I had ample free time to do what I liked–this habit worked well for me.

Well, fast forward a few years.

Now that I’m married, I teach at two colleges, and I desire to lead a somewhat healthy social life, my writing has, at times, been placed on the back burner.

(My on-again-off-again workout schedule also plays a role in this, too! Ha.)

I thought something like, “Oh, I can get back to writing whenever–during the summer and winter breaks.” But as life goes, something always came up–trips to Disneyland or Vegas, or last minute dinner reservations, etc. And another year would pass this way, and I’d have very little writing to show for it.

I don’t regret the way spent my time over these past few years. I just wish I had established a writing routine into my lifestyle.

I have one now, which I sort of alluded to at the close of an earlier post.

I write for at least two hours, six days a week on my living room sofa, whether I read for leisure or not. The time I used to watch TV, or surf the internet, or button-mash video game controllers has been replaced with writing and reading. (For the most part, at least!) For another way of thinking about this, check out the following brilliant YouTube clip from Darryl Cross:

As people, we need to make time for the things we prioritize in life. As writers, writing should be one of them. A daily writing routine will help with this. If you haven’t already implemented a writing routine in your life, start one today.

Stay focused. Stay disciplined. And, above all else, write your heart out!


Photo credit: Helga Weber / / CC BY-ND

Close Your Email and Turn Off Your Notifications!

When I was in junior high school, I enrolled in a journalism class; and by virtue of being in this class, my teacher assigned me to write an article on something mundane. The rising costs of gasoline? Carpooling? And so I sat at my typewriter, punching keys, watching their metal legs extend and retract. This was how writing was done.

I often think of those days while writing.

We live in a completely different time. Floppy disks are no longer floppy (if ever used at all!). USB flash drives have gone from 1.0 to 2.0 to 3.0. And to trump that, it seems like everyone utilizes cloud services of some kind. And yet, I can’t help feeling that something has been lost. In the past, a writer might have experienced procrastination as illustrated in the following YouTube clip:



Ha! But now, on top of procrastinating, writers today face new complications spurred by increases in technology.

At any given time, I can be writing for my novel, or writing for this blog, and I can receive a friendly ring from Apple Mail, or an alternate chime from LINE. Instantly, my mind stampedes. Who wrote me? What did they say? If I divert my concentration from my writing for one second, it’s game over. And most of the time, it is. So I can’t emphasize enough, in this day and age, when we need to be writing, we need to close our email and turn off our notifications!

Recently, I’ve started writing immediately after just waking from sleep. Before I ever speak to anyone, using my logical mind, I try my best to carry my dream state directly to my writing. (This is also more easily achieved late at night.)

NetbookAnd I use a netbook. This is important. I use it strictly for word processing. For me, my MSI Wind u100 is only psychologically associated with writing.

After I’ve finished my writing for the day, I eat breakfast and hop on my desktop computer to receive my regular email and notifications. And then, and only then, do I begin the rest of my day. I figure nothing is so important that it can’t wait for me to finish my word count for the day.


I’ve found this strategy to be really effective for me. I hope sharing it with you will help increase your productivity, too!

Do you have any tricks up your sleeve that you’d like to share? If so, please post a comment below. 😀

And, as always, write your heart out!


Photo credit: Sergey Galyonkin / / CC BY-NC


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